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Friday, May 30, 2014


Biblical Incest 1

Are not Christians and Hebrews against incest???

The Bible is the Ultimate reference to God and Jesus, so the Bible is the literal Word of God. To view the Bible, in any way, metaphorically, figuratively, and symbolically is an insult to God himself. People that Believe...
may NOT interpret the Bible different than it is written...
may NOT make excuses for how it is written...
may NOT pick and choose what to believe...
HAVE to take the Bible as Black and White, Face Value, LITERALLY!!!, lest they be hypocrites!!!
2 Peter 1:20-21 In short, no one person is allowed their own interpretation of the Bible.

Genesis Chapter 4
Torah Verse 1
NAB (Catholic) Verse 1
KJV 1. And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
NIV Verse 1

Well, let us start from the beginning. Eve was born of Adam because she was made of the rib of Adam, therefore she is the daughter of Adam therefore their union is the first, of many acts of incest in the Bible.

I wonder how many times the goat-screwing, goat-herding authors of the Bible screwed their own daughters because of the perverts they were.

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