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Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Best of the Bible

The Bible is the Ultimate reference to God and Jesus, so the Bible is the literal Word of God. To view the Bible, in any way, metaphorically, figuratively, and symbolically is an insult to God himself. People that Believe... 
may NOT interpret the Bible different than it is written...
may NOT make excuses for how it is written...
may NOT pick and choose what to believe...
HAVE to take the Bible as Black and White, Face Value, LITERALLY!!!, lest they be hypocrites!!!
2 Peter 1:20-21 In short, no one person is allowed their own interpretation of the Bible.
Praise Be To God!!! for his…
Love of Hatred…..Peaceful Violence…..Life of Death…..Comfort of Pain…..Justice of Prejudice Purity of Perversion…..Fairness of Bigotry…..Generosity of Greed!!!
Tanakh=Hebrew, NAB/NASB=Catholic, KJV=King James, NIV=International

Gods created Heaven and Earth…, Tanakh Ch 1:1-2, NAB Ch 1:1-2, KJV Ch 1:1-2, NIV Ch 1:1-2, YouTube, Rant
Light Before the Sun…, Tanakh Ch 1:3-5/Ch 1:14-17, NAB Ch 1:3-5/Ch 1:14-17, KJV Ch 1:3-5/Ch1:14-17, NIV Ch 1:3-5/Ch 1:14-17, YouTube, Rant
Let US make man, after plants and animals, on the sixth day…, Tanakh Ch 1:26-27, NAB Ch 1:26-27, KJV Ch 1:26-27, NIV Ch 1:26-27, YouTube, Rant
God is Satisfied…, Tanakh Ch 1:31, NAB Ch 1:31, KJV Ch 1:31, NIV Ch 1:31, YouTube, Rant
God makes Adam on the eighth day, before plants and animals…, Tanakh Ch 2:7, NAB Ch 2:7, KJV Ch 2:7, NIV Ch 2:7, YouTube, Rant
God Wants Sociopaths!!!, Tanakh Ch 3, NAB Ch 3, KJV Ch 3, NIV Ch 3, YouTube, Rant
Woman’s Agony…, Tanakh Ch 3:16, NAB Ch 3:16, KJV Ch 3:16, NIV Ch 3:16, YouTube, Rant
Biblical Incest 1…, Tanakh Ch 4:1, NAB Ch 4:1, KJV Ch 4:1, NIV Ch 4:1, YouTube, Rant
Cain’s Enemies…, Tanakh Ch 4:13-16, NAB Ch 4:13-16, KJV Ch 4:13-16, NIV Ch 4:13-16, YouTube, Rant
Biblical Incest 2, Enoch born of Eve…, Tanakh Ch 4:17, NAB Ch 4:17, KJV Ch 4:17, NIV Ch 4:17, YouTube, Observation
Likeness of God???, Tanakh Ch 5:1-2, NAB Ch 5:1-2, KJV Ch 5:1-2, NIV Ch 5:1-2, YouTube, Observation
Giants?!? Really?!?, Tanakh Ch 6:4, NAB Ch 6:4, KJV Ch 6:4, NIV Ch 6:4, YouTube, Observation
God is Dissatisfied…, Tanakh Ch 6:6, NAB Ch 6:6, KJV Ch 6:6, NIV Ch 6:6, YouTube, Rant
Impossibly Long Ship…, Tanakh Ch 6:15, NAB Ch 6:15, KJV Ch 6:15, NIV Ch 6:15, YouTube, Observation
1 or 8 pairs of animals???, Tanakh Ch 6:19/Ch 7:2, NAB Ch 6:19/Ch 7:2, KJV Ch 6:19/Ch 7:2, NIV Ch 6:19/Ch 7:2, YouTube, Observation
Millions of life forms…, Tanakh Ch 7:8-9, NAB Ch 7:8-9, KJV Ch 7:8-9, NIV Ch 7:8-9, YouTube, Observation
Magic water???, Tanakh Ch 7:19-20, NAB Ch 7:20, KJV Ch 7:19-20, NIV Ch 7:19-20, YouTube, Observation
Life for a Life…, Tanakh Ch 9:5-6, NAB Ch 9:5-6, KJV Ch 9:5-6, NIV Ch 9:5-6, YouTube, Observation
Noah Enslaves…, Tanakh Ch 9:24-25, NAB Ch 9:24-25, KJV Ch 9:24-25, NIV Ch 9:24-25, YouTube, Observation
All spoke together…, Tanakh Ch 11:1, NAB Ch 11:1, KJV Ch 11:1, NIV Ch 11:1, YouTube, Observation
Abram entered alternate Dan…, Tanakh Ch 14:14, NAB Ch 14:14, KJV Ch 14:14, NIV Ch 14:14, YouTube, Observation
Lot offers his daughters for strangers…, Tanakh Ch 19:6-8, NAB Ch 19:6-8, KJV Ch 19:6-8, NIV Ch 19:6-8, YouTube, Observation
Biblical Incest 3…, Tanakh Ch 19:30-38, NAB Ch 19:30-38, KJV Ch 19:30-38, NIV Ch 19:30-38, YouTube, Observation
Biblical Incest 4…, Tanakh Ch 20:12, NAB Ch 20:12, KJV Ch 20:12, NIV Ch 20:12, YouTube, Observation
Child Sacrifice…, Tanakh Ch 22:2-12, NAB Ch 22:2-12, KJV Ch 22:2-12, NIV Ch 22:2-12, YouTube, Observation
Drugs and Sex…, Tanakh Ch 30:14-15, NAB Ch 30:14-15, KJV Ch 30:14-15, NIV Ch 30:14-15, YouTube, Observation
God kills for masturbation…, Tanakh Ch 38:8-10, NAB Ch 38:8-10, KJV Ch 38:8-10, NIV Ch 38:8-10, YouTube, Observation
Biblical Incest 5…, Tanakh Ch 38:16, NAB Ch 38:16, KJV Ch 38:16, NIV Ch 38:16, YouTube, Observation
Burn Your Daughter?!?, Tanakh Ch 38:24, NAB Ch 38:24, KJV Ch 38:24, NIV Ch 38:24, YouTube, Observation

There is a lot more hatred, violence, death, pain, prejudice, perversion, bigotry, greed, arrogance, and self-centeredness in Genesis, and I will list it, but this is a start.

Best of the Bible

Best of the Bible

The Bible is the Ultimate reference to God, Satan/Lucifer, and Jesus, so the Bible is the literal Word of God. To view the Bible, in any way, metaphorically or hypothetically, is an insult to God himself. People that Believe... 
may NOT interpret the Bible different than it is written...
may NOT make excuses for how it is written...
may NOT pick and choose what to believe...
HAVE to take the Bible as Black and White, Face Value, LITERALLY!!!, lest they be hypocrites!!! 
Without the Bible, God and religion do not exist. 
Without religion, the Bible and God do not exist. 
Without God, religion and the Bible do not exist. 
It is a Trinity that cannot be broken without destroying the other two. Two are always worthless without the third.

By definition, to be Christian, you must believe in Christ and be part of the church…
…following the words of Christ are absolute to being Christian.
No Christian could exist before Jesus Christ since Jesus Christ is the foundation for Christianity.

Again….."For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” -Matthew 5:18-19..…means to follow the Old Testament to The Word with NO deviation as if the Old Testament is written by Jesus himself.
By these words, as a Christian, you must follow the words of Christ literally, black and white, at face value with no other interpretation than how it is written.

To truly know God and Jesus, one must fully read the bible word for word, from beginning to end.
You must also accept that no one MORTAL has the right to change, edit, alter, censor, emend, or change the Bible Short of God or an assigned prophet...
End of Story...
No Exceptions....
Since the King James Version is the edited version by 8 historians, non-prophet Mortals, not God, in 1611, the KJV Bible is distorted, perverted, contorted, defiled, and tainted, therefore KJV Bible is The Devil's Bible!!! Reading the KJV Bible is reading the Words of the Devil since the Word of God has been tainted and defiled by human hands, therefore KJV is irrelevant, forfeit to any kind of meaning it is trying to teach.

Praise Be To God!!! for his…
Love of Hatred…..Peaceful Violence…..Life of Death…..Comfort of Pain…..Justice of Prejudice.....Purity of Perversion…..Fairness of Bigotry…..Generosity of Greed!!!
O.T. (Old Testament)

1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon

N.T. (New Testament)

1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Epistle of James
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John

I was in catholic elementary school from 1st to 3rd grade. In 1st, I wanted and was planning to become a priest. I was also reading astronomy books too that conflicted with the belief in genesis, so I started questioning my own decisions and beliefs. I started reading random parts of the bible that conflicted with the general idea of the foundation of Morality and Ethics. I found the first set of commandments (ritual commandments) that were not parallel with the second set, that we are so affluent with. I was testing different churches for an actual Truth until the age of 22. I finally read the entire catholic and KJV bible and became atheist. The one and prominent meaning that I found for Morality and Ethics is the difference between right and wrong; ignorance and education; intolerance and understanding; hate and love. Religion has always been the perpetuation of our stupidity and ignorance.

-Vincent Dunlap